Autumn is finally here, cold weather hasn’t followed, alas. Temps are supposed to be in 70’s-80’s here this week. I hope it cools off soon, I love fall weather and I’m so tired of Summer. Are you okay? Are you cleaning up from a hurricane?
This morning I spent some time moving my little radio around trying to get reception in, had to move it 3 times. The public/community stations on the left of the dial are so tricky. I was going to save this video for the end of the month but, that weekend should be full of video diaries so to get myself into the season —
It even has a documentary video. I think it gives off major Will Ferrell vibes, am I wrong?
Someone last week left a comment saying we should change the name of the series and the logo (ball and chain, screws)
I don’t know who started the series but, my vote would be to keep
it as is. Your thoughts?
This is an open thread so….