I went back to school this week, and it was a bit of a clusterfuck. I got my schedule all sorted, I had my basic supplies, figured out how to arrange my mornings to be there on time and ready to go — and completely biffed it for French and math.
I spent almost $500 on books, which is kind of expected, and some of them I am having trouble accessing (online books are cheaper) but I pretty much have things covered on that front. But I reverted back to last semester in my head, that I have French first and the math — yeah not so much. I ended up sitting in another section of French, where I was made to feel bad about my age, and a math class that was well above my ability or requirements. That was Wednesday.
I was also horribly out of breath walking around and thought I had covid, so I had a test at the school, and then went to urgent care for a rapid test, which was negative. I ended up getting a chest x-ray and she determined that it was my asthma flaring up, so I got some steroids for a week and they are helping. Also on the meds front I have almost completed the switch of antidepressants I feel much better, so that’s a good thing.
Friday as I was walking to French it dawned on me that I have math first this time and changed directions — and finally got in the right classes. So far they are good, though the French teacher talks way to damn fast. The math teacher is both understandable (not a native English speaker) and actually interacts with us, not just writing on the board and taking no questions. So I feel better about both of them at the moment.
As for everything else, 2 classes are currently on Zoom, though they seem to think we will be meeting in person soon — nevermind the state set record highs of new cases this week of covid. The students don’t seem to think it’s an issue, we are required to wear masks at school, but go anywhere on campus, even indoors and you see tons of kids with no mask, or it under their chins which does no one any good. So we shall see if the cases on campus go up or not.
I ordered new masks, as all I have is cloth ones right now, and they should be here in a week or so. I also have decided to try and clean up my house — with 2 older kittens and being a bit of a procrastinator it was getting a bit covered in crap. Soda bottles, mail, wrappings from various purchases, nothing gross, but it needed to be rounded up and contained — so I’ve been working on that as well. The kittens have torn down the curtains (and rod, and rod holders) off the wall and I have to sort that out at some point. I’ll need to drill new holes in the wall to put it all back up, with no guarantee it won’t happen again. So that’s fun.
So yeah, it’s been a week. How are you all doing?