It’s a joke, because, traditionally, when someone speaks that phrase, it’s an angry, verbal attack. “What’s your f-ing problem!??” means, “Why are you annoying me?!?”
But here at Daily Kos, we are all about puppies and kittens, and we express mostly concern, and a desire to give each other emotional support.
So, when we ask that question in this Saturday night series of diaries,
we are truly asking if you have any problems you want to tell us about, and we will be your sounding board, your group therapy group, your peer support group.
That’s why the sign board above says, “May we find peace and healing here.”
I took care of one of my problems: folks asking what does the WYFP? stand for.
Now, on to more problems.
My immediate problem:
I need to put away about 30 items, a duffel bag, a cooler, a backpack, a pair of boots, some pillows, and some sheets and clothing. I could just do it, like Nike, but I prefer to make a list first, so I’m using this diary to write my list.
These items are on my bed, so I am forced to put them away before I can lay down.
I also need to cut off my facial hair. I don’t shave with a razor, I buzz cut with electric clippers.
Then I need a shower.
Then I need to move items from the pockets of my Big Smith overalls, into my cargo pants, so I can go to work at Walmart tomorrow. Walmart has recently relaxed their dress code, but overalls are still not allowed. Jeans and a t-shirt, yes. Overalls, no.
Aside from these mundane chores, which are truly not problems, let me rant about my real problem:
I feel that I already have the “wisdom of the ages,” at least close enough for most situations.
But, as I mentioned in my last diary here, I live in a small house with 7 other people, and those 7 people are Christians. These nice Christians feel they must study the Bible, and ask the Holy Spirit, and get wisdom that way. And that actually works out well, because much of this wisdom is in the Bible, and when they think they are getting a message from the Holy Spirit, they are actually getting a message from their own brain, since they stopped and “put their thinking caps on.” The human brain is truly talented. The human brain is under rated. The human brain is under used. So, when a Christian finally uses his brain, he imagines the Holy Spirit gave him wisdom.
And, as mentioned in my last diary, I find that many atheists want to throw the Bible in the trash can, and, worse than that, they imagine that most Christians are ignorant and evil, doing more harm than good. They are not aware of what I just wrote in the above paragraph, that many Christians find the useful wisdom in the Bible, and pause to let their brains work, and make sensible decisions.
By the way, here is the “wisdom of the ages,” bigjac version:
Love your neighbor as yourself (Bible)
Whatever you want, give that same thing to others (Bible)
However, modern fine tuning of all that, is:
Other folks may have somewhat different wants and needs than you.
You need to customize what you do for others, customize for the wants and needs of each other person you serve.
Sometimes, you must practice tough love, by: not giving anyone tobacco, and very little alcohol, and no alcohol for those with an addiction, etc.
You need to stop and think, what are the basic necessities of modern life?
health care
entertainment (you may doubt that’s necessary, but I said, modern life)
Often, those last two, entertainment and education, are mixed together.
Blogging here at Daily Kos is, for me, part of my entertainment, and is the source of much of my education.
Now that you see the list of necessary needs, you can try to give yourself, and others, those things.
And, when you see yourself as a member of a team, (your family and close friends)
and you realize all the teams, all humankind, is “all in this together,” (Obama),
then you have the wisdom of the ages.
Keep in mind, everyone is completely selfish, but the smartest way to be the most selfish, to get the most for yourself, is to get the most for your team, and then, you get your portion of the bounty of great things, especially the dedication to each other.
Especially the dedication to each other.
And that is how you are the most selfish, because you are smart, and got the most out of life.
Think: even if you end up injured, disabled, and broke, if you and your family have spent years building a strong commitment to each other, then they will take care of you.
They will take care of you.
Yes, having just investments might work nearly as well, but then you would be forced to hire folks to take care of you. Which sounds better to you, having family who will take care of you, with love, or being forced to hire strangers to take care of you?
And what if you have both, investments you can use to pay your family, and dedicated family? A nest egg, so you and your family are not broke, plus that dedication to each other.
It’s like a group of folks on some kind of boat, and some of them, not exactly realizing it, are making small holes, or medium holes, in the hull of the boat. Others see what is happening, and patch the holes, and try to explain to those drilling the holes, try to explain to them that they need to do things differently. And try to get them to help with setting the sails, to get to port.
There are many more details,
such as, try to avoid spending too much money on rent and interest,
and there are complicated situations, such as when family or friends give each other rides to work, (Who actually decides on the details, such as exact time of departure? I have had troubles with this, and emotions run high, folks get angry if they are asked to wait. The driver thinks he calls all the shots, the one getting the ride must do exactly as told, no matter what.)
My problem is that even though this wisdom seems so obvious to me, so many people have little sense of teamwork. You hear so many stories, and I have many stories to tell, about family or friends, living with me, and refusing to pay anything towards the rent (or mortgage) and the utilities. That was a few years ago. Nowadays, our current collection of 8 of us in a small house, we are all doing what we can, with love. Teamwork. The Christian religion dominates, and we do our Bible study, so instead of simply realizing that teamwork is necessary, because we are all in this together (Obama), my Christian family says that God is causing the teamwork.
There are families, and larger groups, out there, who follow sage advice, and practice great teamwork.
Many of them are Christian, many of them other religions, and many of them atheists.
Interesting note, those who fail miserably at their teamwork, most of them fail to study anything, or maintain any identity, religious, philosophical, or atheist.
Makes me think that the same discipline involved in a diligent study of any kind of belief system, or clear lack of belief, that same discipline is usually applied to teamwork in the family, and maybe the larger community.
more people joiningmy Patreon pagewould solve that problem!), I’ll need to periodically reach out for help. I am coming up short on the funds to make my house payment for February. As of Monday late evening, I’m at $400$320$255 $205 needed for the house plus $50 for LuvLee’s medicine — for a total of$450$370$255. If I get the housing part bythe 12th, before 6 pm Eastern time, I will be able get it in on time to avoid the late fees. LuvLee’s med Rx needs to be refilled, but can wait a day.
That was posted Monday, the 11th of February.
My problem with all this is that there are so many thousands of nice folks blogging here at Daily Kos, and many of them can afford to give both jtg and Jan4insight a monthly amount, such as $25 or maybe $50, and, if enough of such folks would simply do that, then those two nice, hard working folks, would not be forced to beg, hat in hand, for so much money each month.
But not enough of those nice possible patron folks have committed to monthly payments to jtg and Jan4insight.
That’s my problem.
In case you think they should just work harder, and earn enough money themselves, consider:
jtg has an ostomy, which means he poops out of his stomach, and he has a very injured foot, but he works hard as a substitute teacher, any old way.
An ostomy is a hole made by surgery to allow stool orurineto leave your body through your belly. It’s a new exit route for waste if you can’tpoopor pee normally.