First, I must apologize to anyone who came here tonight expecting me to make good on my promise last week to expand on a book I read recently, Night Train To Nashville: The Greatest Untold Story Of Music City by Paula Blackman.
It’s a really great book. A story about how Gab Blackman, the author’s Grandfather was an advertising executive at famed Nashville radio station, WLAC, decided he wanted to sell products to the Black community but was hampered by the fact the Black community refused to listen to local radio because they weren’t on it. To rectify that, he had his late night DJ’s play what was known as “race records” or what we know as R&B. White teenagers began buying up the records and rock and roll was born. The book also goes into the history of student protest to integrate local lunch counters, and Nashville’s determination to destroy local Black businesses in the name of “progress”. It was going to be a fun diary with a fun poll but, SCOTUS blew it all to hell. Again.
Justice Clarence Thomas is a fraud. He’s found a new buddy in Justice Samuel Alito. They’ve ganged up and decided to deny the vote to anyone not white, as long as local legislatures can be creative in their gerrymandering cheating to deny anyone not Republican their franchise. This from a man who was raised by a devout Grandfather who believed segregation was a violation of divine law.
People have been speculating SCOTUS wanted to overturn everything about the 20th century and I argued, they wouldn’t touch Loving v Virginia for obvious reasons. I stand corrected. If SCOTUS actually goes after Brown v Board of Education, Loving will be declared null and void, nevermind the fact of Justice Thomas’ relationship.
We’re going down a dangerous road, America. We’ve all been laughing this week about the new uniform of the GOP. Ya know where else began dressing like their leader? China. I’ve seen Mao suits up close and personal, many elders in China still wear them. And, woe betide you if you have to share a sleeper cabin with one during an overnight train trip. They will glare at you all night with hate in their eyes for all the capitalist evil you represent to them. And if they do succeed in their coup and overthrow Democracy? Think Cambodia and Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge and the killing fields. Given a choice, I’ll take the killing fields because I really don’t want to live in any kind of society MAGA will dream up.
Monday is Memorial Day — if you observe, Thank you for fighting for the rest of us. (even Pvt. Bone Spurs)
no poll this week, I’m too angry.
And, WYFP?