So we made it through another week — go team us! I had some medical adventures this week, but the most interesting part was the chiropractor and the loons that work for him. I have mixed feelings about chiropractic care, I’ve had good ones and bad ones. I have a fairly jacked up skeleton as well, but I knew that going in.
I had been watching some Youtube videos on chiropractors, because I like weird shit on Youtube. Teeth cleaning, dermatology, tonsil stone removal, lawn and driveway cleaning, I’m down for it. And one in particular seemed entertaining, so I stuck with him, I’ll link a video down below. I called up my insurance and asked if it covers chiro and got the number of a clinic from them and made an appointment. I had an assessment meeting where I filled out paperwork, got examined, he made a list of the vertebra that are jacked up and I had some electro stimulation (tens on steroids) and some ultrasonic therapy on my shoulders. The prodding and the shoulder stimulation left my lower back very unhappy, but I couldn’t get back in until Thursday, where I drove 45 minutes to one clinic to get x rays, then the main clinic to get them explained to me and adjusted.
We looked at the film, and yep, I’m still jacked up. My hips are completely uneven, one is higher than the other. My lower spine has scoliosis trying to balance the hips, the midback is ok, but the upper back and neck are a mess too. The upper back has a dowager’s hump, and my neck had no curve at all. Along with the tilted hips I have tilted shoulders too. None of this is from an accident, it’s just the jacked up bones I have. Along with a fair amount of arthritis in my spine there are several places where the nerves are pinched.
So far it all sounded normal, so I went to get my hips and legs stretched, and my lower back got the electrostim treatment and the ultrasonic wand, which helped a lot — and then after a short wait I got adjusted the real test of the relationship. Somewhere along the last couple of decades they changed the tables so they pop with you so it doesn't feel like he’s doing much when he goes to crack your back, and the table is loud and distracting. He did my legs, lower back, midback, shoulders and neck in pretty quick fashion, and I made an appointment for next week.
I do feel better, my lower back is much happier and I am more aware of my posture and shoulders being pulled forward and pull them back. I also got lectured by my insurance doctor at my yearly evaluation — he felt as a fellow Jew he could comment on my struggle with my weight by suggesting God is embarrassed by my fat ass and gluttony is a sin. He made me call my GP (that I literally saw the day before) and forced them to schedule me for an emergency appointment on Monday morning because he decided my blood pressure was too high.
I also have not finished my application yet, though I did work on it today (Friday). And I cleaned up a good deal in the front part of the house as well. But not the essay. I’m probably over thinking it.
What’s up in your universe?