I first heard the term, bang bang, in the late 70’s while reading an article in Photographer magazine about Susan Meiselas’ work in Nicaragua. It’s come to mean many things but foremost it’s what war photographers call what they do: shoot gun violence, whether in war or rebellion.
Do I sound like a conspiracy theorist when I say I’ve been thinking about certain south and central American countries’ histories with using gun violence against their populace as a tool of oppression? In every case, it comes on the heels of upper classes determined to maintain control of government. It also comes with government corruption. I don’t think so, especially after learning Texas Governor, Greg Abbott is threatening to pardon to Daniel Perry, who was unanimously convicted of killing Garrett Foster at a Black Lives Matter protest in Austin, TX in 2020. If Abbott is allowed to pardon this man, what message will that send to any RWer who doesn’t want to see any protests in their city they don’t agree with? How long before other Republican governors begin their dog whistles supporting this behavior? How long before Republicans start to understand how they look to the country these days? Putting children in front of mass shooters to protect their campaign donations. Threatening protestors using their 1st amendment rights with death or maiming because someone doesn’t like their politics. This is so far beyond the pale of acceptable American behavior. Yes, we’ve seen it before but we defeated it.
For all the “concern” Republicans claim about mental health, they sure don’t seem to think too much about a community's mental health after a mass shooting or a neighborhood’s mental health when one or more residents hoards guns on their property.
Should properties who have more than, say, 40-50 guns on property be considered a potential gun store and its zoning be reviewed? I’m sure people who have more knowledge of zoning laws will tell why I’m wrong, I’m just throwing seeds out there...
The Whole World Is Watching. You bet it is. This doesn’t make any of us look good.
www.democracynow.org/… Hiram Gilberto Garcia & Rick Cofer
www.democracynow.org/… Prof. Carol Anderson
And, WYFP?
I’m having laptop issues again and there’s only one working pc in my building so I may be late replying to comments. My apologies.