I was very fortunate to have been introduced to Hong Kong movies in the 1990’s, seeing many of them at the UC Theater in Berkeley, Ca.
I’ve always been a fan of foreign films, being a fast reader. I’m a bit puzzled by people who love film but refuse to watch movies with subtitles, even at home when they can pause to catch up to the plot. I feel foreign films are a good way to travel if you don’t have the means or time to travel in real life.

I think Hollywood’s superhero obsession can be tied to Hong Kong cinema. I was pleasantly surprised to see Michelle Yeoh getting an Oscar nomination this week. She’s been in many great HK movies, The Heroic Trio is on youtube if you want to watch it. I’m posting the trailers for some of my fave movies, some of them are on youtube.
1. The Heroic Trio
2. A Chinese Ghost Story
3. The Killer
4. Painted Faces
5. Rouge
Links about the history of HK cinema. www.localiiz.com/…
It's been a crappy week for me so I needed to write something to take my mind off it. The resident nutcases have been harassing me all week, I may be late replying to some of you.