What a craptastic week, huh? I had a diary all ready about relaxation videos and yoga with goats and this morning….M@@@@@@@@@@@S! I’m having trouble thinking today.
We are a nation of laws, except when it comes to guns, apparently. I haven’t felt this numb since election night 2016. How can I convey my state of mind? Oh yeah,
Earlier this week, I was enraptured by the Jan. 6 hearings, Jon Stewart receiving the Mark Twain prize, and then our country’s very own Matthew Hopkins had to declare Inquisition season!
I just can’t. If white people and men, in particular, can’t get over their paranoia about electing women and minorities into office, we are so f***ed because white people are stinking up the place. We can’t blame this on Black people, Latinx people. There’s simply not enough of them to vote in so many walking horror shows.
And whoops, I messed up the poll.