And so, it’s finally happening. The inevitable crap shoot we’ve been predicting since the Reagan administration. Justice Alito is laying it all on the table.
We have to yet to see where this bad road will lead us or what monsters this Pandora's box will unleash. One thing is certain, at least to this former catholic. There are too f***ing many Catholics on the supreme court.
I see this as a step toward trashing the the Establishment Clause. So, we’re going to ban divorce next? Quite a number of Republicans would be in trouble with the court on that one. How about tattoo’s? Or wearing gold? Or fortune telling? What about banning Viagra? It doesn’t assist in bringing more babies into the world.
The number of women and girls who will die or be harmed by this will be immeasurable. We are about to become a Third World country, Healthwise, despite the ACA.
What will all this mean for the Democratic Party? We’ll see Black and Brown Women being jailed on the scale the drug war did for Black and Brown Men, meaning wiping out the future of our party by hanging criminal convictions and taking away voting rights for a massive part of our party. You might say I’m being paranoid but think about it. White Women will not suffer from criminal liability on the same scale, just like White people in general have not been affected by the drug war. This is not about “going back in time”. It’s about shaping the future.
The Equal Rights Amendment —
If you have a free day next Saturday, May 14….
The late, lamented SF band, The Pop O’Pies saw it all coming.
And, that’s my FP this week. WYFP?
Oh, Happy Mother’s Day, if you take a Mother or Grandmother out for brunch tomorrow, tip your server.