Somehow I decided (based I think on a note from a teacher that my brain scrambled) that we had a school holiday next week — presumably for Mardi Gras, but that’s not until March 1. So I was all excited about a break — but it’s not coming for a while.
I had been imagining sleeping in, but I will actually be prepping for Pesach on the 15th of March — when there is only one kosher grocery in the state and it’s a little over 2 hours away — who knows what I can actually get for the holiday both ritual and grocery wise.
Nugget’s new trick is to come up behind me and claw on my lower back which is unacceptable. Digi’s is to hop up on the desk right in your face and demand pets with little meows and chirps — guess which attention seeking behavior gets more attention?
Mum and her boyfriend were bummed about the game the other night — we lost in the last bit — basketball I think. And again she wasn’t wearing a mask and didn’t care since she thinks since she had it she’s safe. She’s had 2 shots and no booster, with a recent covid infection. She claims she doesn’t have to be boosted for 45 days? something like that. I want her to have that last shot because her golden girl roomie won’t get it — she claims that the vax interacted with the botox injections in her neck she had previously and has refused to get a booster or any further shots.
The battery in my new computer is dying, though it’s still covered by warranty. I have to call them on Monday and get that sorted, along with prep for a big French test on Friday. I need to spend part of Sunday making flash cards and working with them with Mum, who is about the same level I am in French and trying to learn.
So — yeah. Tests coming, quiz on Monday day off in linguistics Wednesday, ethics training as soon as I can turn it in after Shabbat ends, probably Sunday. We’re starting quadratic equations in math and he hasn’t posted the grades from the last test yet and I’m getting concerned.