It’s been exam season here at the old trailer, and it’s been crazy. Trying to balance all the work out, and sleep enough and not freak out. I’m trying to pull a 4.0 to raise my GPA up a little and have a chance to go to grad school later on — and it’s been tough.
I have 2 more exams to go next week, and finished 3. So far, my final grades have been A, but just barely. I got a C on my communications exam, but did well enough on everything else to recover. Geology was good, and I was asked if I wanted to change majors by my TA in lab — I decided against it, but I am changing my minor to geology, so that should be fun.
Next week I have exams in Archaeology and History. I feel ok about both, but not super confidant — I’ll be studying over Sunday and Monday to prepare for them, and then I can finally relax.
On the conversion front — it’s finally happening! December 13/14 I will be officially converting to Judaism after a year and a half of work. We are meeting for the rabbinical court on the 13th, then on the 14th I will go out on a boat in Lake Pontchartrain to immerse and be finally finished. I’m pretty excited. I will also get another ear infection as a result, but what the hell, it just means more antibiotics.
Having guests over (2) for Thanksgiving at my place — we are having a full on kosher meal, with entirely too much food, it’s going to be awesome. We also might watch some Babylon 5 — I have the boxed set and have been meaning to rewatch it, so we will watch the intro movie and maybe an episode or two, and have regular watch parties over break.
Nigel’s new collar came in and he looks so handsome in it — and I feel a little less worried about him getting out and getting lost. It’s got his name and my cell number on it, just in case, but I hope he won’t get out again. He’s been a bit of a needy nudge the last couple of days, constantly crawling into my lap, on the desk, laying on my mouse arm — I give him lots of affection and treats, but he’s just been a bit clingy of late. He and Tony seem to get on ok (Roomie’s cat) and that is going well. Now we just need to get Tony to let me pet him and it’s all good.
So things are happening, slowly but surely. Despite covid, life is going on, though at a much slower pace, and I kind of appreciate that.
This has nothing to do with the topic, it’s just interesting and fun.