So it’s Thursday. We’ve been working on the trailer for 2 weeks now, and there is still a ton to do. We did get Roomie’s end of the trailer finished, so he’s ready to move in Friday at least. I’m probably going to start moving in on Sunday myself.
Today we are going to keep sorting out the living room and the kitchen/dining area so it’s habitable and Roomie can at least cook himself some food and eat at a table over the weekend. There is still a lot of things to go to storage and goodwill, though we have them sorted into boxes and piles and most of it will go out of there today.
Yesterday we worked on the living room and my bedroom — got the rest of the drawers emptied and got the old clothes brought over to the house — Mum sorted them this morning. I need to swing by a U-Haul and pick up some more boxes to pack and sort into before we get started. We filled up the wheelie bin again, it goes out tomorrow, and then we start over divesting more crap.
We would have gotten farther without my aunt coming to “help”— she was more interested in looking for money (Gran liked to hide money) and picking out things she wanted, but didn’t actually take home, and made a bigger mess of it all really. But if we can get the common areas sorted out today, then we can focus on my room and my bathroom on Saturday and Sunday and be finally done with it so I can move in.
I did get internet service ordered and paid for, I have to install everything myself, but I have a modem here that I can use and it will be fine. I got the “good” internet since both of us like streaming a lot, but no cable. So that’s another project for this weekend I suppose, or Monday, depending on when the stuff gets here to set it up.
Mum balked at the tuition for school for the semester, so I posted a diary to see if I could get some help with that, and I wrote to the rabbi to see if she could scare up some funds as well. I’m hoping if I can get through the first semester and raise my GPA I can qualify for some scholarships for the next ones.
I also have yet another ear infection. I went to the doctor yesterday for my semi annual check up and he said it was all gross again — there’s a hole in my eardrum from when I got a tube a couple of years ago and I’ve been having problems ever since the tube fell out. Hopefully we will get this sorted and an ENT specialist can do something for me. I also have “liver spots” on my skin, but I suppose that is better than weird moles going bad. Just makes me feel a bit old.
So that’s what’s going on in my world. I will probably skip Shabbos this week to get the trailer sorted a bit more, but I probably won’t move my bed until Sunday at the earliest. I’m nervous, and dreading the move process, but really looking forward to being out on my own at the same time. Hopefully we will get along well, and can make it a really positive experience.