We’ve got trouble all over Oregon if our liberal, Democratic
Governor, Kate Brown, is unable to squeak out a victory next
month. Why? People, and in particular white women
are feeling apathetic about re-electing a strong progressive
and allowing themselves to consider voting for a “moderate”
Republican Mormon state legislator, Knute Buehler.

Buehler claims to be pro-choce but has left himself some wiggle room in the past.
The trouble that may come to the state lies with Measure 106.
If it passes, it will restrict abortion to those who can pay for it. If Kavanaugh does help overturn
Roe v Wade, Abortion rights will be safer with a female progressive in the Governor’s office rather than a moderate Republican.
Oregonians need to get over their apathy for our female Governor and vote to protect our reproductive rights.
And, WYFP?