Good evening folks.
2017, aka The Year from Hades, is finally nearing an end. (If JeffW or annieli put up a request, please consider hosting?)
Been a rough year in general — we all know what’s been going on political-wise, so the less said about that the better.
Personal-wise things went pretty much SOSDD until November. That’s when my mother-in-law (Mr. Scribe’s mother) passed away at the age of 85. She’d been pretty much her normal self, but it was apparent she was starting to get ready to go. She’d stopped eating unless Mr. Scribe was there to coax her, and we both knew the day was coming. She did have to go to the bank that last month because he checkbook disappeared from her room and in probably her last moment of complete lucidity remembered I was the former accounting major so put my name on the checks along with hers so I could handle getting bills paid and such.
More after the fold, but first this Public Service Announcement: